About Us
Thinkforce provides educational products and services to businesses in order to turn their workforces into thinkforces. We help employees at all levels understand the dynamics of business organizations and the contexts they operate within, thus fostering cross-functional teamwork, aligning efforts, and dispelling harmful misconceptions.
We provide such training through both on-site workshops and proprietary online-training materials that are designed to leverage the varied learning styles and previously acquired knowledge that adult learners bring. We will customize or develop content for your specific organization, culture and language.
Our products and services combine our strong competencies in adult learning theory and practice, business knowledge, writing, design and technology in the development and delivery of its learning system. We provide the content and the packaging and delivery systems that get that content into people's brains. And not just getting facts into their brains to be forgotten the next month, but permanently integrating concepts into their general frameworks of understanding.
Hence "training" is really an inadequate term for our mission. We aim to be an indispensable strategic tool for human resources development, which is to say the development of any organization's most valuable asset.
Thinkforce is the outgrowth of a successful employee-education project developed for Xerox to support their repositioning as "The Document Company." Thinkforce founder Brian Wu managed content development and design for the program, which was delivered in both print and Web-based media.
As a communications designer for 15 years and a scientist before that, Brian brings the fusion of the necessary disciplines needed for the development of advanced adult learning systems. He is joined by co-founder Anne-Marie Fink, whose experience as a Wall Street analyst provides the domain expertise in business.
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